Long Table elevates the potential in people so that people thrive together.



What holds most organizations back is people problems.

Probably not.

People don’t fully know themselves, their tendencies and how these drive their behaviors. We assume other think and make decisions like us, and this faulty belief leads to misunderstandings, missed expectations and missed connections.

Long Table empowers people and teams to understand themselves & each other, fostering communication, collaboration & growth

Long Table Leadership Flywheel

Effective teams are developed by addressing all voices at our tables:

  • When you communicate, are you truly heard? Or do you often feel that there’s a missed connection?

    Our expertise includes:

    • The 5 Voices: Discover the power and kryptonite of your voice and how to communicate with everyone.

    • Communication Code: Knowing what to say and when to say it.

    • Navigating Difficult Conversations: Getting comfortable with the uncomfortable talking points.

    Learn more

  • Trust is essential to authentic connection, so why are relationships so complicated? No one can succeed without the support and challenge of others.

    Our expertise includes:

    Relational Trust: The 4 components of relational trust and how they impact you.

    Managing Expectations: Recognizing unrealistic vs realistic expectations.

    Maximizing Influence: Lowering walls of self-preservation to lead other more effectively.

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  • Clarity is kindness. Are your expectations realistic? Do others know what is expected of them? Does everyone in your organization have clarity on how your mission, vision and values drive tactical execution?

    Our expertise includes:

    Organizational Clarity: Full buy-in and understanding from vision to strategy to execution.

    Role Clarity: Embracing core responsibilities, what winning looks like, and who’s on first.

    Developing Others: When to “do,” when to “help,” and when to “watch.”

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  • This is where we get stuff done! What would happen if everyone on your team would execute flawlessly?

    Our expertise includes:

    The 6 Types of Working Genius: Know your geniuses, competencies and frustrations and how they impact others.

    Leading Change: Build a stronger plan and get effective buy-in to deliver.

    Overcoming Resistance: Identifying what’s truly in the way, what’s not and how to overcome.

    Healthy Rhythms: Learn how to be both present and productive by being in the right gear at the right time. Trust us, everyone on the other side of you will thank you.

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  • How resilient are you? Does your organization have the capacity to grow and the infrastructure, processes and strength to withstand disruption?

    Our expertise includes:

    The Peace Index: Understanding the 5 components of your peace and bring more meaning to your relationships.

    Productivity Matrix: Learning to categorize what needs to be done, what can wait, and what can be delegated.

    Multiplying Magic: Learn how to create a process for developing competencies in others.

    Learn more

Meet Long Table

Long Table is an award-winning consultancy that builds healthy, high-performing leaders and teams.

Across industries our customers trust us as their partner for people development solutions.





Icon for Long Table's work in other industries
Icon for Long Table's work in Non-Profit & NGO industry
Icon for Long Table's work in Government industry
Icon for Long Table's work in Banking industry
Icon for Long Table's work in Manufacturing industry

And many more!

We’ve helped grow leaders at these great organizations

Programs & Services


Image of Long Table 1:1 Coaching session

Elevate the potential in every person through customized, on-demand coaching based on their individual needs. From shorter sessions focused on specific pain points, to in-depth intensives, we offer a variety of relational coaching styles to develop all levels of employees in a confidential environment.

  • Personalized 1:1 coaching to address your unique challenges and aspirations as a leader with support and accountability.

  • Leadership Intensives provide a roadmap for understanding your Story, Leadership Style, Decision-Making Drivers, Rhythms and Relationships.

  • Improve your communication and emotional intelligence by understanding what it’s like to be on the other side of you with confidence and clarity.

  • Sessions may include check-ins, goal setting and leader 360 assessments.

1:1 Coaching For Everyone


Image of Small Group Training

Long Table's small group coaching offers an inclusive space for professional and personal growth. Our carefully curated coaching sessions foster collaboration, allowing participants to share insights and challenges in a supportive environment.

  • Monthly small groups for strategic process-oriented learning and growth.

  • Peer group accountability and support for practical application of leadership lessons relevant to your group’s everyday realities.

  • Vision and strategy refinement for retreats and team off-sites.

  • Team performance assessments to confidentially gather feedback from every member of the team to track, quantify and target team goals.

Small Group Coaching

Image of a Long Table Workshop for The Home Depot

Transform your organization through our interactive leadership workshops, where your team will discover a common language to express support and diverse perspectives and create the engagement required to reach the highest levels of performance, culture, and resilience.

Our workshop formats include:

  • 1/2 day, whole day, retreats, lunch & learns

  • Serving teams from 5 - 50+

Our workshop catalog includes:

  • Transforming Team Communications, "The 5 Voices" series

  • Communication Code

  • Building Influence and Trust

  • Navigating Difficult Conversations

  • Organizational & Role Clarity from Vision to Execution

  • and more….


Image of DEI Workshop

Inclusive leaders are leaders worth following. 

A hallmark quality of this type of leader is the ability to recognize, hear and value the unique voices, experiences and contributions of others. Learning, growing and becoming an inclusive leader means that the work must start in me.  It means I need to have a vision for liberation - an inclusive culture that allows for every voice, race, gender, age and background to feel psychologically safe and valued for their contribution.

Research shows that leaders who display these inclusive practices and tendencies have genuine influence at home, at work and in their communities. Inclusive leaders know how to bring the best out of people.

Do you want to be known as an inclusive leader?

  • C.U.R.E. Mindset workshop

  • DEI core group training

  • Inclusive leadership keynotes

Diversity, Equity & Inclusion (DEI)

Image of Leader Academy session

A structured program designed to help your aspiring and high potential leaders become self-aware, build relational intelligence and lead more effectively.

  • Weekly 30-minute self-paced video on our learning management system focused on learning and practical tools

  • Each session includes a 100 Exercise focused on improving self-awareness and personal leadership

  • Each session includes and X Challenge focus on applying learning in practical, relevant situations that impact others immediately

  • Twice monthly core group sessions aimed at deepening understanding and application, while providing accountability with peers and leaders

Leader Academy

What Long Table Clients Are Saying

Contact Long Table

Photo of Linnea Miller from Long Table, LLC

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